Friday, 4 November 2011

My Week in Pictures!

It's not Thursday, I forgot to do it yesterday due to having a life and that sort of thing.

This week I did a fair amount of walking in woods, and falling over in woods!

Mushroom from Brownsfield

Gates to get into Devil's Dyke

Me in the process of falling over
Thanks for the photo mum!

There was cooking for my Grandparent's freezer and lunch!

Beef stew went down very well
though next time I'd make it with ale, not cider!

Carrot and Mixed Veg soup, most of which
is now in my freezer due to lack of space!

Then there has also been geekery of the highest order!

My Bro's 'Avatar of a blood god'

My Bro's old Yu-Gi-Oh! Pogs!

I have decided to knit a Jayne Hat!
Need to get red wool though!

Other assorted pictures I liked from this week are

I quite want one of these! VERY CUTE

I went to hobbycraft and there was all manner of
wonderous craftastic items!

New store in the grafton centre
has lots of these types of postcards!

Dunno if I'll get one done next week! I am away doing all sorts of stuff up norf!

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