Saturday, 27 August 2011

Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

Hi Social Media-ites, I've been lax, not been posting, been a bit useless to be honest.

Not been making either, this is not least because I burned myself quite badly at the beginning of June, then got hit with various illnesses that have kept me from the torch.

I am on the mend, rejigging my blog, and everything! The idea being that this blog will take the place of my website, though the changeover may take a few weeks.

Feeling generally positive for the first time in a while, feeling more myself again.

Thanks for sticking with me, feeling all inspired now, loads actually, just giving myself the time to be properly well before I go for torching again, I really don't want to push too hard too fast and end up ill again, sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

My absence from the torch has only made me burn for it inside more, I can't wait!

Thanks for sticking with me.