Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Worry Hyperdrive! Anxiety at the Speed of Light!

I don't know why I care so much, maybe I'm broken or odd! Years after events i will still be plagued with dreams and worry. I wonder if others feel like this or if I have some kind of personal defect. I wonder how others can carry on if they are plagued with these thoughts. They're disabling enough to me to cause me to continually lay down without a fight, to be walked on. If other people feel this way then how do they live their lives day to day? If they do feel like me, they still think about childhood misdeeds then how can they get through the guilt? I don't get it. I still think about people I forgot to give things back to 10 years down the line, it's like guilt quicksand.

Anyone able to help on this? Do you feel the same? Do you take issue with what i say? Please let me know.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Galavanting about!

This is a bit of a catchup post I think, I can't remember where I last was when I blogged properly.
But since then I have been to the houses of parliament and met Julian Huppert, Prof Gazzard and had a bit of a tour of the Palace of Westminster.
This was all courtesy of the people I volunteer for at Dhiverse, an HIV and sexual health charity based in Cambridge, they've been so lovely, welcoming and understanding of me. It's a real pleasure to be volunteering with them. But anyways, they invited me on this trip to London and it was a real privilege to go.
It was amazing! So much history there, I could just spend months looking around at all the plaques and stuff!

This is me and all the Dhiverse team with Julian Huppert (@julianhuppert)

Then the next day, despite being in pain I went to the first #camtwoffee meeting, was loads of fun!

I met @imogen__may, @oneoffdave, @gingerrob, 
@weebles1703, @fayroberts and @living_as_if

Then, a few days later I was off again to London for #pufflespublunch very interesting, met some fab people and had very interesting discussions and some mad fun having a snowball fight!

@Puffles2010 was looking very pretty as usual and everyone I met was fab! Thanks to @thatsoph, @Penners_, @Dottysparkles, @Karmel80, @julesmattsson, @davebirdphoto, @MattRedmore, (I feel sure I have forgotten people, if you point out who they are then I'll pop them in! I don't remember everyone's twitter name).

By the end of all that I felt exhausted and sore and most of the week after it has been a blur, I went to go help my grandparents again (a normal weekly thing). I saw friends, I vegged a bit.

Anyways, I don't think anything amazing and life shattering has happened since then so I'm alright.

Oh, also, I'm doing an audioboo project, I am doing one silly "song" for every letter in the alphabet! So far I am up to K for Kraken, I shall do a huge blog post when I'm finished them all!

Right, I believe this means you know some stuff about what I've been up to and I've stopped the blogging silence!

Friday, 10 February 2012


Hi, it's been too long my dears.
I was reminded this morning it'd been a while since I last blogged by Kate Sutton of Witwitwoo who put my blog post Open Letter to Me in her BritMums Good Reads post.
It has been far too long, mainly necessetated by being far too busy, I have not been looking after my spoons and as a consequence do not have a whole lot more left at present.
Tomorrow I am doing stuff and I have a Jumble Sale to man (or woman) on Saturday but I hope that I'll get a catchup post done at some point.
Been doing lots of interesting stuff (to me anyways) I should share with you all, not had a lot of energy to blog when I've even been able to.
But I want to change that, I want to get back into doing a few posts a week.
I have been a very naughty Womble... blame the snow! When Wombles burrow in the snow they get snowdementia and go a bit weird (this is a bonafide 100% true Womble fact, ask any Womble you know to confirm it and they will!).

Anyways, bed time for me!
Nighty night people on the Internet!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Cauliflower and sweetcorn curry type stuff!

Right, this is kind of thrown together, I just did it by feel so all values are approx.

1 cauliflower
1 tin of sweetcorn
1 1/2 pints of water
2 vegetable stock cubes
10 drops Worcester sauce
3 sloshes soy sauce
10 drops lemon juice
4 tablespoons Plain Yogurt
4 teaspoons mild curry powder
50-100g or so of plain flower  (enough to thicken)
2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar

Break the Cauliflower into Florette's and roughly cut the leaves, place in slow cooker, on low. Add 1 1/2 pints of water, stock cubes, Worcester sauce, soy sauce, lemon juice and curry powder.
Leave for 8+ hours (overnight.... but I left it for 2 nights because I was busy) reduce liquid for running for an hour or two with the lid off. Add yogurt, add drained sweetcorn, sieve in flower while stirring to thicken sauce. Cook with lid on for an hour or more, then cook rice, add some of this to it and EAT!
