Friday, 23 November 2012

Veggie whatever you have Goulash

Hi, in an attempt to get blogging again I'm just popping in this recipe because it's unbelievably easy and I can't believe I didn't know how to do it until a few months ago.

Ingredients: Whatever you have really but I put in

1 tin of chopped tomatoes
1/2 a butternut squash
1 small Swede
1 courgette
3 mushrooms
3 peppers
2 carrots
1 parsnip
2 stock cubes
a few shakes of nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon
a whole load of shakes of paprika
soy sauce (and Worcester sauce if you have a veggie one)
little pasta shapes (I have stars)
dumplings! :-D

Chop all veg up, shove in large slow cooker (think my new one is 3 litres), put in the tin of tomatoes and stock cubes, put in boiled water and spices/soy sauce and place slow cooker on low overnight or on high for 6 odd hours.
Keep pasta and dumplings out until approx 45mins before serving, then put in to cook. When the dumplings are fat dish up, and then die of YUM!

No idea how many this serves but it makes approx 3 litres of goulash. To make non veggie add meat! :-)

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